™ FIFA Champions League ™
SALUT bounce ! Bun venit pe site-ul ™️ FIFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE ™️ !!! Faceti-va cont si inscrieti-va in comunitatea noastra :punk: ! Condu-ti echipa spre VICTORIE :cheers: !!! FAIR - PLAY IS THE GAME bounce !

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™ FIFA Champions League ™
SALUT bounce ! Bun venit pe site-ul ™️ FIFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE ™️ !!! Faceti-va cont si inscrieti-va in comunitatea noastra :punk: ! Condu-ti echipa spre VICTORIE :cheers: !!! FAIR - PLAY IS THE GAME bounce !

™ FIFA Champions League ™

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Fifa Champions League
22Dum 13 Sept 2009, 09:37
Nani.FCL Care este parerea voastra despre stafful FCL
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Prezinta-te,discuta liber,In limita bunului simt!
Fifa Champions League
11Dum 13 Sept 2009, 09:12
Nani.FCL Discutii Libere
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Joaca-te si tu alaturi de noi!
Fifa Champions League
462Vin 08 Ian 2010, 04:09
Nani.FCL Multy-POST
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Fan Fotball

Fan Fotball
Sustine-ti si tu echipa Favorita!
Fifa Champions League
15Joi 15 Oct 2009, 03:41
Nani.FCL Fan Fotball
Nu sunt mesaje noi


Nu respecti regulile,vei fi pedepsit!Sanctiunile se dau in functie de gravitatea greselei!
Fifa Champions League
11Dum 13 Sept 2009, 09:14
Nani.FCL Avertismente
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